Impact of informed consent on decision making for cataract surgery
Cataract, cataract surgery, informed consent, patient decisionAbstract
OBJECTIVE: The main focus of this study was to determine the decision making by patients on the day before cataract surgery and to assess to what extent the informed consent process influences the patient decision regarding consent.
METHOD: The descriptive cross sectional study was carried out at Ophthalmology unit MAYO hospital Lahore form August to December 2021. The size of obtained sample was 93. A questionnaire was distributed among general population for cataract surgery and they were asked different questions regarding preoperative information, physician-patient relationship and patient understanding of written informed consent.
RESULTS: Patient physician interrelation decision for surgery indicated that 90 patients (97%) trusted medical staff. Almost 57% patients agreed for surgery. 53.8% patients were informed and counseled about useful options of treatment and complications by physician. Within category responses about patients with or without consent information, the 60 patient without informed consent (47.6%) and 33 patients with informed consent (48.5%) responded that cataract surgery is easy procedure. Out of 60 (76.7%) and out of 33 (69.7%) patients were not worried about anesthesia procedure, 13.3% and 78.8% respond that there was risk of complication undergoing surgery.
CONCLUSION: Informed consent updates significantly about cataract surgery procedure, risks of complications, concept of consent form and doctor counseling about cataract surgery. Informed consent did not significantly influence the decision for cataract surgery.
KEYWORDS: Cataract, cataract surgery, informed consent, patient decision